Saturday, April 6, 2013

Streetcar production without Marlon Brando

I've tried to find all the parts so you can watch them. It'll be good for you to see another production and this is supposed to be good. Makes it better that this guy is not as hot as Brando...makes it easier to hate him!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Streetcar clips

Some good clips from the movie. Pay attention to stage directions, where characters stand and how they look.

Every Man's A King

This is quite interesting. He starts smashing up the plates, but notice his tone of voice - is he shouting? He doesn't need to. He's speaking quite calmly, given that he's obviously furious. It shows how much attention he demands with just his actions. Again, that's animalistic - animals cannot talk so they communicate through sounds and their actions, like Stanley in this snippet.

Resist the urge...

Don't rely on the kindness of strangers...

Well said, Mr. Wilde, well said...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Favourite Movie

My favourite movie, of all time, hands down and hand on my heart is Gone with the Wind. That aside, I want you to really understand the whole 'Belle Reve' and the idea that Stella and Blanche are better than immigrants. It's weird because Vivian Leigh, who plays the main character, Scarlet, in Gone with the Wind, also plays Blanche.

This is Tara before the Civil War. Look at how lovely and big and picturesque it is. This is kind of what Belle Reve would have looked like - you can see why Stanley would want it so badly, and why in losing it, Blanche has lost her identity - like Scarlet, here, in Gone with the Wind.

This is Tara after the Civil War - not so nice any more, is it?

Check out this video too - it shows how magnificent the South was - this 'old South' that Blanche desperately wants to cling on to

This is also a really good book to read. It's called Reinventing the South and has a chapter on Streetcar from page 161. It's a google book so some of it has been cut out but try and read it. It makes some really good points and expands your knowledge :)